Friday, June 12, 2009

From the Management Academy Director

Recently, I attended the UNC-Chapel Hill Minority Health Videoconference. The title for this year's event was Breaking the Cycle: Investigating the Intersection of Education Inequities and Health Disparities. The speakers were
  1. Reginald Weaver, Past President, National Education Association;
  2. Dina Castro, Scientist, UNC FPG Child Development Institute;
  3. Nicholas Freudenberg, Distinquished Professor and DPH Program Director in Urban Health Hunter College of Health Sciences/City University of New York; and
  4. Lillian Sparks, Executive Director, National Indian Education Association
Each presenter spoke of the connection between education and the public's health and they made recommendations for each field.

They spoke of the need for more training and the need for programs focused on school-based health clinics, mental health programs and services aimed at teens on sexuality and HIV transmission. What are you doing within your community to provide a stable lifestyle to produce successful and healthy students? Please share with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our LME has provided a (probably TOO small) amount of money to support a mental health provider co-located at our one high school 8 hours a week. It is my understanding that at least one and maybe two other school systems are doing this successfully and with more hours on site. Shirin Scotten