Thursday, March 5, 2009

From the Management Academy Director

Recently, another Executive Education program at the NC Institute for Public Health completed its final retreat. The 2008-2009 Emerging Leaders in Public Health cohort completed their 9 month program in February 2009. The Emerging Leaders program is designed to prepare the next generation of public health leaders by identifying and training those individuals with the talent to serve in significant leadership capacities in the next decade.

One of the conference presenters was Keith Caver, the President of Caver Consulting in Charlotte, NC.
Caver shared with the participants information about the 9 Roles of Strategic Leadership:
  1. Navigator
  2. Strategist
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. Mobilizer
  5. Talent Advocate
  6. Captivator
  7. Global Thinker
  8. Change Driver
  9. Enterprise Guardian

It is interesting to note that in public health, there are usually few Strategists and Entrepreneurs in the field of public health. The characteristics of these Leaders include
  • Continuously looking beyond the current year
  • Perceiving what drives the business
  • Taking calculated risks to capitalize on emerging trends
  • Turning threats into business opportunities
  • Using financial data to help achieve successful business outcomes

The Management Academy for Public Health serves a unique mission to bring some of these more business type aspects to public health, so that we (as public health professionals) can strive for more sustainability.
I look forward to the upcoming Management Academy for Public Health graduation in 2 weeks and seeing the completed projects that showcase the Strategic and Entrepreneurial spirit of the public health professionals in North Carolina, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

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